Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ground Zero

Well – this is blog day one for me and I will admit that I really don’t know where this will go. I have been following a couple of blogs with interest for a few months and recently was forwarded a link that related to sales and the print industry. While this blog from a print rep in Colorado is not updated often, the information posted is interesting with some humour. I was particularly drawn to an article on social media and how useful it can be as a tool to publish information and communicate with a large group of people. I am interested in how to combine all new forms of media with traditional vehicles to create great advertising and communications.

I should point out that I am not a techie but I do love innovative thinking and execution and while I have a love of gadgets, to date, my social networking has been limited to a LinkedIn listing, a new foray into Twitter (which I don’t really get yet) and email/text (not that either of those count). I don’t have a Facebook account despite the fact that some of my sales reps insist it is the best way to mine for business. Having said that, I do embrace new ideas and technologies. Through our Interactive Group and Digital Company we are producing new and innovative marketing communications vehicles everyday.

I hope that through this blog, I can communicate some ideas and learn from other people’s thoughts and opinions.

For anyone interested, one of the blogs I have been following (not print related) is:

This is a daily posting from a 16 year old Australian girl who is attempting to become the youngest person to sail solo, non stop and unassisted around the world. I find it interesting that we can follow the day-to-day progress as her attempt unfolds – the physical and mental challenges not to mention the simple magnitude of what she is trying to accomplish.
