In an earlier posting I mentioned that I follow several blog postings daily. The one I mentioned is Jessica Watson – a 16-year-old Aussie who is sailing around the world http://youngestround.blogspot.com/
I think the reason I like following Jessica’s attempt is that I am trying to imagine how she must feel. The great sense of adventure mixed with the feeling of complete solitude. These are emotions and feelings that the average person does not get to experience often enough in a lifetime. It will be interesting to find out how she copes with the solitude as she gets longer into her journey. Will the telephone calls home and the internet access be enough to compensate for being alone?
I have had lots interesting responses to my first blog postings and have been forwarded more articles and links than I have able to sort through. The ones that I have read have been excellent and I am really getting an education on some of the technology that is out there. I am also finding out how much information is available. The question is how many of the thoughts are unique and how many are simply the same thoughts over and over again?
Is forwarding a link without adding some of your own thoughts or ideas simply creating internet waste? Maybe not…maybe forwarding ideas that you find interesting is creating a new level of intelligence - more people getting more information.
As we consider environmental issues in our world we should be considering the impact of the cyber world. Is there a way to measure this impact?
Today I have more questions then conclusions…
Have a great day.
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