Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I sometimes think of my life and routine and try to adopt a more disciplined way of living. By that I mean a more formal routine – a more orderly life.
Take for example the mornings. I think most people start every one of their workdays in virtually the same manner – for me, I get up at basically the same time each day, shower and dress, eat basically the same thing and head to the office.
Perhaps I have been too influenced by unreal images in my life but I sometimes think that it would be nice to have that classic “movie like” morning routine. You know the one where the well dressed guy, white shirt and tie, sitting at a small table reading the paper (likely the business section) drinking coffee from a white cup (with saucer) eating fresh fruit and perhaps a piece of toast. All this is seen taking place in front of an oversized window with sun glistening in.
The thought seems so civilized and interestingly – kind of old fashioned.
Many years ago I had a very successful client who was at the gym each morning at 5am, ran and worked out, was in the office by 7am, read several business papers and publications while drinking tea and by 9am was ready to begin his “work day”. I was amazed at his discipline and it was clear that his success was tied to it.
Over the years I have tried to make my mornings more “civilized” but with marginal success. True, the days of running downstairs with hellos and goodbyes compressed around a quick conversation about schedules are over, however my morning routine falls well short of the classic or the disciplined. Mostly it consists of listening to the news and sport headlines on the TV while I dress, having a quick bite to eat and, on my way to the office, driving through Tim Hortons for my daily caffeine fix. Interestingly, as part of my routine and before I reach the office, I have checked my schedule for the day, read my overnight emails (of which there are usually only a few as I have checked before going to bed), and responded to most. All this and, on most days, I’m sitting at my desk by 8am…ready to start my day.
As I think about the whole thing, it occurs to me that I really could change my mornings dramatically – with spring in full bloom, maybe it’s time to revisit the mornings.
Cheers and have a great day.

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