Monday, February 1, 2010


It has been my goal, through this blog, to explore all sorts of social media…to educate myself and communicate my thoughts and struggles to readers. On most days I think that I have advanced that goal however, I do admit that there have been postings that are “off topic”. However, in that this is a social medium I suppose it is inevitable that some discussion tends towards the events of the day… besides, there is some author’s license regarding content.

In the end, the entire enterprise has been interesting however, I have found it somewhat lacking. Today, I was reading an article and the reason became clear. Social media is supposed to be a communication – a two-way communication.
To date, I have not marketed this blog and while I know that some people are reading (because they tell me) I have had almost no feedback by way of comments to the blog and therefore no real conversation. The result is that I have don’t have any idea if the content is interesting or worth following and the expected ideas from comments has not materialized.

Forging ahead, I have been directed that my next step is to try and build readership and from that develop some “real communication”. How I do that is not clear but I know this is a critical component to using the tools effectively so I will have to figure it out. I will communicate the ideas, and the results. In the meantime, any comments (good or bad) would be appreciated!

As an aside, I had a whole commentary on this weeks IPad launch but as I reread it before posting I thought it a bit too sarcastic. A long time ago, I was told that sarcasm was the lowest form of humour so I will rethink the prose and post my thoughts next time.

Cheers and have a great day,

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